This week we had "Teddy Bear Day"!
The kids each brought in a teddy bear (They even laughed at me for bringing one too!)
Our Teddy bears sat with us during calendar time and Bible time.
I laid a blanket on the floor and we had a picnic for snack time.
We played "Teddy Bear, May I?"... played like "Mother, May I?"
We had a "Bear Foot Race"... I tapped the ends down and cut an x in the front of 4 cereal boxes. I cut out construction paper bear prints to put on top... the kids put them on their feet and raced walked quickly across the room :) So fun!
Before the kids left, I had them put their bears to bed, because they were having a "sleep over".
When they got back to Preschool the next morning, the bed was empty and their bears were found around the room eating breakfast, drawing pictures, and playing in the toy area. :)
Oh! and the student who found his bear said to me "No! He didn't do that!" as he snatched the crayon away from the bear. I worked hard not to laugh out loud. :)